
Wentworth Falls residents’ septic rebate respite

Embattled residents have been extended a lifeline from a national on-site wastewater treatment company, Advanced Enviro-Septic (AES). Local resident, Richard Foster, has just installed an on-site wastewater treatment system at his Wentworth Falls property for [...]

AES NSW Consumer Confidence on the Rise

Over the past twelve months AES has been working with local councils, designers and plumbers in NSW to provide a solution for property owners seeking an alternative to mechanical wastewater treatment systems. We have made [...]

Public health and safety concerns over high fail rates

A recent discussion paper published by the Department of Housing and Public Works (DHPW) highlights serious concerns for public health and safety over failure rates of on-site wastewater treatment plants. The report states that up [...]

AES by the numbers

We are very proud of the efforts achieved by our Chankar Environmental team in Australia and the Environment Technology team in New Zealand. It is just over 15 months since the first AES by the Numbers [...]

SLUDGE build up in the Advanced Enviro-Septic

A Question often asked is: "What happens to the sludge that carries over from the primary tank and that every one accepts is the cause of progressive failure in conventional septic trenches, the destruction of [...]

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