Very unhappy pumper
“In this case, a happy client = an unhappy pumper” We received an email recently from the Engineer advising that he had just completed his site visit for an Advanced Enviro-Septic system that he designed [...]
SLUDGE….”will make your onsite sewage system fail !!!“
Sludge is a by-product of everyday living. Every time you wash the dishes, wash your clothes or flush the toilet, solids are deposited into your septic tank or the primary chamber of your on-site wastewater [...]
“Kiwis are going around the Bend”
Our New Zealand distributors of Advanced Enviro-Septic (AES) Environmental Technologies, have sent us some great installation photos that clearly show the “kiwis are going around the bend.” The flexibility of the of AES pipe allows [...]
Learning from Mistakes…”Improving Outcomes with Process”
With all things you need to learn. Not only in the application of our product but also in the in field practices and the 1 to 2 % of situations where we did not anticipate [...]
60% to 80% Failure Rate of On-Site Systems Under Review
Building Codes Queensland is undertaking a review of the Qld Plumbing and Drainage Act 2002 and issued a BCQ e-alert on the 17th of June 2014. In light of the anecdotal evidence suggesting failure rates [...]